How to Determine Pricing for Your Portrait Photography Services

​If you’ve ever found yourself staring at a blank screen, trying to figure out how to price your portrait photography services, you’re not alone. Determining the right price for your art can be as challenging as capturing that perfect moment on film. 

In this blog post, we’re diving into the world of pricing strategies tailored specifically for portrait photographers.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting on your photography journey, we’ll break down the process in simple terms, helping you navigate the sometimes daunting task of putting a price tag on your passion. 

From understanding your costs to recognizing the value of your unique style, we’ll explore the key factors that go into determining the perfect price point for your portrait photography services. So, grab your camera, buckle up, and let’s embark on this journey to demystify the art of pricing together!

Factors to Consider When Setting Portrait Photography Prices

​As a portrait photographer, it’s important to know how to set your prices in order to make a profit and keep your business running.

There are a number of factors to consider when setting your portrait photography prices, including your time, the cost of your equipment, the cost of printing, and the price of your competition.

How much to charge for portrait photography is one of the most important questions you will ask yourself as a photographer. Your pricing will have a lot to do with the type of photography you do, how much time you spend on each session, the cost of your equipment, and the price of your competition.

When determining how much to charge for your services, it’s important to consider your time and the cost of your equipment. If you’re spending a lot of money on high-end equipment, you’ll need to charge more to make a profit. Likewise, if you’re spending hours editing each photo, you’ll need to charge more to make a living wage.

The cost of printing is another important factor to consider. If you’re selling digital files, you won’t have any printing costs. However, if you’re selling prints, you’ll need to factor in the cost of paper and ink, as well as the time it takes to print each photo.

Lastly, you’ll need to take the price of your competition into consideration. If you’re in a small town with little competition, you can charge more than if you’re in a big city with a lot of photographers to choose from. However, even in a big city, you can still charge more if you offer a unique service or have a lot of experience.

In general, the best way to determine how much to charge for portrait photography is to start by considering your time, equipment, and printing costs, and then research the prices of your competition. With a little trial and error, you should be able to find a price that allows you to make a profit and keeps your business running.

How to Determine Pricing for Your Portrait Photography Services 4

Calculating Your Photography Costs

​Are you a photographer who is thinking of starting your own business, but don’t know how to calculate your photography costs? If so, then this blog is for you!

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When it comes to starting your own photography business, there are a lot of things to think about. One of the most important things is figuring out how much to charge for your services.

Charging too little will mean that you’re not making enough money to cover your costs, and charging too much will mean that you’re not getting the customers you need. So how do you figure out the right price to charge?

Here are a few things to consider when calculating your photography costs:

1. Your Time

How much is your time worth? This is an important question to ask yourself, because your time is one of the most valuable things you have.

When you’re starting out, you may not be able to charge as much as you’d like, but as you become more experienced and efficient, you can raise your prices.

2. Your Costs

What costs are associated with running your photography business? This includes things like the cost of your camera and lenses, your computer and editing software, your website, marketing materials, etc. Add up all of your costs and then add a reasonable profit margin.

3. The Market

What are other photographers in your area charging for similar services? If you’re too high, you’ll price yourself out of the market.

But if you’re too low, you’ll undercut yourself and end up making less money. Do some research to find out what the going rates are for the type of photography you do.

4. Your Experience

How much experience do you have? If you’re just starting out, you may not be able to charge as much as someone who’s been in the business for years. But that doesn’t mean you can’t start out small and then raise your prices as you gain more experience.

5. The Value of Your Work

This is perhaps the most important factor to consider when determining your photography prices. How much value do your clients get from your work?

This includes things like the quality of your photos, the level of customer service you provide, the uniqueness of your style, etc. The more value your clients get from your work, the more you can charge.

These are just a few things to consider when calculating your photography costs. Take all of these factors into account and then come up with a price that you’re comfortable with. And remember, you can always raise your prices as you gain more experience and confidence in your work.

How to Determine Pricing for Your Portrait Photography Services 2

Adjusting Your Prices to Fit Your Market

​As a portrait photographer, it’s important to make sure that your prices fit the market that you’re targeting. If you’re trying to attract high-end clients, then you need to make sure that your prices reflect that.

On the other hand, if you’re trying to attract more budget-conscious clients, then you need to make sure that your prices are in line with what they’re willing to pay.

Here are a few tips for adjusting your prices to fit your market:

1. Know what the going rates are.

Before you can adjust your prices to fit your market, you need to know what the going rates are. Do some research and find out what other photographers in your area are charging for their services. This will give you a good starting point for pricing your own services.

2. Consider your target market.

Who are you trying to attract with your photography business? If you’re trying to attract high-end clients, then you need to make sure that your prices reflect that. On the other hand, if you’re trying to attract more budget-conscious clients, then you need to make sure that your prices are in line with what they’re willing to pay.

3. Offer discounts for certain markets.

If you’re trying to attract certain types of clients, you may want to offer discounts for their business. For example, if you’re trying to attract more bridal clients, you could offer a discount for booking your services for a wedding.

4. Be flexible with your pricing.

Don’t be afraid to be flexible with your pricing. If you’re having trouble attracting clients at your current rates, you may need to lower your prices in order to compete. On the other hand, if you’re in high demand, you may be able to raise your prices and still get plenty of business.

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5. Review your prices regularly.

Your prices should be reviewed on a regular basis to make sure that they’re still in line with your target market. As your business grows and changes, so should your prices.

Adjusting your prices to fit your market is an important part of running a successful photography business. By following these tips, you can make sure that your prices are competitive and that you’re attracting the right type of clients for your business.

How to Determine Pricing for Your Portrait Photography Services

Structuring Portrait Photography Packages

​When it comes to portrait photography, there are a lot of different ways to structure your packages. It really depends on your market, what type of portraits you specialize in, and how much of an upcharge you want to add for certain products and services.

The most important thing to keep in mind when structuring your portrait photography packages is your target market. You need to make sure that your prices are in line with what they’re expecting to pay, or you’ll be out of business before you even get started! 

If you’re not sure what the going rate is for portrait photography in your area, it’s a good idea to do some research and find out before you set your prices.

One way to structure your portrait photography packages is to offer a base rate for a certain number of photos, and then add on an upcharge for additional photos, products, or services. 

For example, you could charge a base rate of $200 for a one-hour photo shoot, and then add on $50 for each additional hour of shooting time. This is a great option if you have a lot of repeat clients, or if you offer a lot of different products and services that your clients may want to add on to their package.

If you’re not sure how much to charge for your portrait photography, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, consider your market and what the going rate is for portrait photography in your area. 

Second, think about how much time and effort you put into each photo shoot, and how much it costs you to run your business. Finally, consider what sort of profit margin you need to make in order to keep your business running. Once you have all of this information, you’ll be able to price your packages accordingly!

Setting Up a Discount System

​As a photographer, you’ve likely considered how much to charge for portrait photography, and you may have even set up a discount system for your clients. Whether you offer discounts for referrals, package deals, or something else entirely, it’s important to have a system in place so that you can offer your clients the best possible value.

When it comes to setting up a discount system, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you’ll need to decide what type of discounts you want to offer. There are a variety of options to choose from, so take some time to consider what will work best for your business.

Once you’ve decided what type of discounts you want to offer, you’ll need to set up a system for tracking them. This can be as simple as keeping a spreadsheet of all the discounts you’ve given out, or you may want to create a more complex system that allows you to track which discounts are being used most often.

Finally, you’ll need to make sure that your discount system is easy for your clients to use. The last thing you want is for your clients to be confused about how to take advantage of the discounts you’re offering.

By taking the time to set up a discount system, you can offer your clients the best possible value and ensure that your business is running smoothly.

How to Determine Pricing for Your Portrait Photography Services 3

Creating Special Offers and Promotions

​In today’s economy, it’s more important than ever to make sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck. That’s why creating special offers and promotions can be a great way to attract new business. But how do you know how much to charge for portrait photography?

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Here are a few things to consider when pricing your services:

1. The time of year. Promotions and special offers are typically more effective during the slow season. If you’re a wedding photographer, for example, you might offer a discount for couples who book their wedding during the off-season.

2. The type of service. If you’re offering a discount on a service that is typically more expensive, such as family portraits, that will be more appealing to potential customers.

3. The length of the promotion. A longer promotion will typically be more effective than a shorter one. This gives potential customers time to plan and budget for the service.

4. The number of sessions. If you’re offering a discount for multiple sessions, be sure to specify the number of sessions required to get the discount.

5. The geographical area. If you’re targeting a specific geographical area, such as your city or state, you might want to offer a discount to customers in that area.


​In conclusion, how much to charge for portrait photography services can vary depending on a number of factors.

These include the type of service being provided, the length of the shoot, the number of edited images provided, the level of editing required, and any additional fees for travel or other expenses. 

When determining your pricing, it’s important to consider all of these factors and to set a rate that you feel is fair andcompetitive. I hope this article has helped give you a better understanding of how to price your portrait photography services.

Some photographers also charge a travel fee if the shoot location is more than a certain distance from their home or studio. Be sure to ask about any potential travel fees when you’re inquiring about pricing.

Now that you know how to determine pricing for your portrait photography services, get out there and start charging what you’re worth!


How do I calculate my costs when setting prices for my portrait photography services?

Start by considering all your expenses, including equipment, software, studio space, travel, and the time spent on editing. Factor in both fixed costs (like camera gear) and variable costs (such as travel expenses for on-location shoots).

Should I base my prices on the time spent shooting or the time spent editing?

It’s crucial to account for both shooting and editing time. Consider the total time invested in a project, from the initial consultation to the final delivery. Your hourly rate should reflect both shooting and post-processing efforts.

What role does experience play in determining my pricing?

Experience adds value to your services. As you gain more expertise and build a solid portfolio, you can justify higher prices. However, be mindful of staying competitive in your market and gradually adjusting your rates as your skills and reputation grow.

Is it better to offer package deals or charge per hour/session?

Both approaches have their merits. Packages can provide clients with clear options, while charging per hour/session offers flexibility. Consider your target market and client preferences to determine which pricing structure aligns best with your business model.

How do I account for the intangible value of my unique style and artistic vision?

Your unique style is a significant selling point. Don’t be afraid to factor it into your pricing. Consider the artistic value you bring to each project, as this sets you apart from others in the market.

Should I consider my local market when setting prices?

Absolutely. Research the pricing norms in your local area to ensure your rates are competitive. Keep in mind that factors like the cost of living and the demand for photography services in your region can influence what clients are willing to pay.


Lauren Alisse is not just a professional photographer; she's a visual storyteller with an unwavering passion for freezing moments in time. From the delicate dance of natural light to the intricate details that define emotions, Lauren's lens is a window into the beauty of life's narratives.

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